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 »Red Bull Huckfest

Red Bull Huckfest
28 JAN 2001: Snowbird, UT
It was a Totally Insane Huckfest
We've never seen anything like it. Even fog and snow couldn't crush this big air competition as 35 international competitors went head-to-head. Skiers and snowboarders threw their bodies into the wind. It was absolutely insane.

skier: Tanner Hall

Seventeen-year-old Tanner Hall won the skier's event by leaving a wake of losers behind him and sticking a grand finale switch kick ass blaster (switch rodeo 720, Hall style). But even many of the losing jumps kicked ass. Phil Belanger and Nick Mercon were 2nd and 3rd, respectively.

Pneumonia didn't hold back Hall. After five days of being laid up, he was ready to hit it. Enough said.

Jason Borgstede won the snowboard comp, with Ali Goulet and Jim Rippey behind him on the podium. Check out the and . Don't try this at home.

Michelle Quigley Pearson, Staff

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Photos: Michelle Quigley Pearson

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