
Berg Adventures

What is a Communications Manager?
September 2, 2003


Wally Berg

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The first BAI Everest 2003 Support Trek team arrived in Kathmandu on September 1. Jaya Rom and Shital from Peak Promotions met them at the airport and brought them to where we are at the Yak and Yeti Hotel.

The team members are Becky Comfort, Kevin Collins, Karen Easterbrook and Stephen Forte. Dennis Comfort, who will serve as Communications Manager for the Expedition, is with this group as well. Just what the official duties of a "Communications Manager" are has already been a topic of much discussion with this group. During our team briefing, which was conducted by myself and Ang Temba at the hotel yesterday, I heard Stephen and Kevin saying things like "go get me another bottle of mineral water" and " I'll have a beer now" to the Communications Manager, Dennis. It seems having a role of responsibility on the expedition team can leave one open to expectations of service to trekkers that goes beyond radios and sat phones.

At any rate the entire support team is off today with Krishna, Jaya Rom and Shital to see and learn about some of the wonders of the Kathmandu Valley.

Dennis and I are going to work a bit on computers and software for the trip. I suspect the complete job description of the Communication Manager Position will be discussed further as this group begins trekking this week.

Wally Berg, expedition leader